Passive Fire Protection
Fire is ingredient of life, when fire is under control. Fire brings devastation when it becomes uncontrolled. It certainly brings very high losses of life and assets in cities, industries and social gathering places. Passive fire protection (PFP) provides solutions in the fabric of premises or building such that
- Fire may remain localized or be retarded so that it is easy for suppression.
- Generation of heat and poisonous smoke is greatly reduced and localized.
- Fire may not impact the integrity of building for some time so that life and asset can be taken out.
PFP system never fails and is passively active.
Our Vision
To be leader in PFP services in Indian subcontinent through un- compromised quality in tested designs, products and application services for compliance of various standards and codes.
PFC Mission
- Ensure only the listed design systems suiting to requirement are installed
- Ensure installation comply to the certified design system
- Providing documented PFP citation for further records.
- Inspection and Maintenance as per requirement of code.
- Assurance of proper protection measures installed to owner, occupancy and authority.
- Bringing latest material, certified design systems and changes in national and international codes and standards.
- Creating values for customers

Our services that you can use
We provide various business services to help our clients to handle different issues and boost their business.
Site visit for estimation of BOQ, specification for fire protection work complying local or international building code and 3rd party inspection services. The service is rendered only outside India.
Application in Oil, Gas, Power plants and Commercial PEB building. Various firestop material like mortar, coated board, Sealant system, intumescent sheet, Foam systems are available for use.
Application in Oil, Gas, Power plants and Commercial PEB building. Spray or trowel application. Service include from primer to top coat application.
Application: Petroleum Refinery, Oil and Gas field for hydrocarbon and jet fire. The system includes application of primer, reinforcement. Sparay and trowel of high density vermiculite, sealer coat and whether coat.
Aslo tested against IEC 60332-3A, IEC 60331-21 Application: Form retrading spread of fire through Cable runs in hydrocarbon, power plant, steel palnts etc. The paint can be used for life extension of aged cables.
- Fire & smoke protection in egress route
- Fire rated partition of large area.
- Fire rated light partition wall.
Customer View

Dhaka, Bangladesh
Customer Profile Includes

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