Fire Proofing

Use of steel in building structure are very common. Carbon steel begins to lose strength at temperatures above 300°C and reduces in strength at steady rate up to 800°C. A fully loaded member gets deformed at 400°C and hence fire proofing is carried to give an insulation coating.
Being a fireproofing services company in India, we offer insulation coating.
As per standard practice. Insulation material or a paint forming insulation char is sprayed to all steel structural members for preventing the transfer of heat to the core of steel and limiting same to attend 535°C in UL 263 and 550°C as per BS 476.
The fireproof coating are two types. Non-reactive insulation coating and reactive insulation coating.
Non-reactive insulation coating : Vermiculite and Perlite are natural insulation material mixed with cement or gypsum for bonding capability with steel surface and categorized as SFRM.
Reactive coating : Intumescent material with bonding medium like solvent, or acrylic or epoxy come under this category. In presence of fire. Intumescent material is converted to foam of char which behaves like thick insulation.
Application of insulation coating is based on class of fire, section factor, type of member (Open or closed), secondary and coat back , fire exposer perimeter etc.
The key to the success of coating depends upon cathodic protection vs corrosion. Hence surface preparation, priming and reinforcement are key for fie proofing .